Smoke Alarms – A Fire Safety Essential

From the last three-four days I have been hearing of so many cases of fire breakouts that caused both financial and life losses. 

This is not something new. Every Year thousands of people die of fire breakouts out of which almost half of them occur at night during sleep hours. This fire can easily be controlled if noticed in time. This is where fire equipment and tools play a vital role in awaking people around to act and curb the furious flames right in their inception stage. A smoke alarm can prevent numerous fire-related casualties in residential buildings.

Few Points to be noted

  • Every bedroom should get one smoke alarm installed to ensure all-around safety.
  • Cover almost every area in and around the house like hallways and common areas of bedrooms.
  • Every floor in your house should have at least one smoke alarm. 

Also connect all your alarms inside and around your house together in order to safeguard the complete vicinity as if in case one alarm detects smoke, all will be activated right away preventing the spread of fire by early intervention.

Smoke alarms come in various options with battery backup etc and it is advisable to use smoke alarms that use the power connection of your house with battery backup. In case of a power cut, fire safety will still be working through the battery backup.


  • Alarms are to be installed anywhere on the ceiling.
  • When installed on walls it should be few inches below the ceiling.
  • Corners of the room will not get smoke alarms. 

Proper functioning of the unit can be ensured by keeping a distance from the air-conditioning vents, heating vents, or ceiling fans.

Likewise, there are other fire safety tools and equipment like automatic sprinklers to ensure all-round protection, check Standard Fire Solution for such equipment. Fire equipment and tools by Standard Fire Solution are known for their supreme quality.


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