Automatic Fire Detection Device – Types & Their Functionality

Knowing the importance of early detection of fire, the invention, and development of automatic detection systems have moved a mile towards perfection. Lucky are we to be in this era of development where advancement is reaching a zenith in almost every field of research. Benefited from this ongoing research and development are the devices so produced under the segment of the automatic fire detection devices. These devices can be classified as the detectors, the control panel, the alarm, the suppression agent, and the delivery system. Here we are to discuss, predominantly the basics and understanding the working principle of automatic fire detection devices

1. Heat Detectors

The detection of an unusual rise in the temperature may cause the triggering of the alarm. However, false alarms too can be triggered by catching the rise of temperature when not even needed. 

2. Smoke Detectors

Detecting smoke arising out of the fire is the basics behind its working. Smoke detectors can be classified as:

A) Photoelectric alarms: With a Photoelectric sensor, these alarms use a light beam to detect smoke.  Its functioning is simple to understand with smoke particles passing through the beam, the sensor switches off.

B) Ionization alarms: Small amount of substance that is radioactive keeps the electrons flowing between electrodes. With the entry of smoke, ionization is interrupted, switching the alarm off. 

C) Combination alarms: With the use of both the above principle this alarm can detect both low- and high-energy.

3. Flame Detectors

With the name itself, it's clearly using flames of fire for detection.

4. Air Sampling Smoke Detectors

These detect low energy fire and rely on constant sampling and testing particle levels in the air of the protected space.

As per Standard Fire Solutions (manufacturers of internationally renowned automatic fire equipment and tools) above detectors can be judicially selected and installed as per the requirement due to their different working principles.


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